Next Step Living - Helps Boston residents become more energy efficient and save money
Next Step Living is partnered with the City of Boston for the Renew Boston Program. This is a city wide initiative to help Boston residents become more energy efficient, save money, and create cleaner home environments.
Next Step Living works closely with Mass Save to provide home owners and renters with no cost home energy assessments (HEA). This shows the residents where they are loosing energy (old insulation, drafty windows, leaky attics, etc.) and how they can improve these along with incentives and programs to make the switch highly affordable.
During these Home Energy Assessments our advisers also provide immediate energy saving tactics such as free light bulbs, adjustable thermostats, and low-flow shower heads.
When we do Renew Boston presentations our primary goal is to discuss and find solutions to customers home energy problems. The first step here is signing customers up with the no cost home energy assessments. We then present to your guests about the Mass Save program and how they can take immediate advantage!