President Elect Ron Moulton informed Rotary Club of Boston #7 members about the proposed global grant initiative for South Sudan.We had a nice group of members and visitors on Wednesday to hear about our Club's proposed global grant to support a remote primary health care center in a village in South Sudan. Rotary Club of Boston #7 will serve as international partner with the Rotary Club of Juba as the host partner in South Sudan. Dr. Sue Crawford presented a nice overview of IMEC, our local district organization partner located in North Andover. IMEC collects, refurbishes, packs, and ships hospital and clinic furnishings and equipment to needy communities around the world. Local resident and former refugee, Franco Majok, joined our meeting and spoke briefly about the dire situation and health care needs in rural South Sudan. PE Ron Moulton introduced Dr. Crawford and Mr. Majok and issued a call to action for members of our club, our district, and other Rotary clubs and districts to participate in this grant process and to "engage Rotary, change lives" in South Sudan.