Amy Luckiewicz will review the often forgotten pieces of Public Image and share easy ways for Boston Rotary 7 to show the world what we're about. Amy is a member of the Wakefield, MA Rotary Club, and Past President.
Born and raised in Lynn, Amy has a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston College in Communications and a Master’s Degree in Human Services and Leadership Development from Northeastern.
Currently, she is a Zone 32 Public Image Zone Assistant Director and Assistant Governor to four clubs. Amy has experience in Foundation scholarship management and has co-Chaired the District's Polar Plunge for Polio. She served on a Rotaplast mission to Cebu, Philippines, and a water project to La Ceiba, Honduras. Professionally, she works for the North Reading Police Department where she manages a federal youth substance use prevention grant. For fun, Amy likes to travel and SCUBA dive.